How to Use SQLMap for WordPress

SQLMap is a powerful open-source tool that helps detect SQL injection vulnerabilities. SQL injection is a standard method hackers use to access and alter your database. If you run a WordPress site, knowing how SQLMap works can help you test your site’s security and fix any weaknesses before hackers find them. This guide will teach you how to use SQLMap to check your WordPress site and secure...

How to Grant Googlebot Permissions in WordPress

Granting Googlebot permission on a website is a must, as it helps your website be crawled by Google to index your pages on Google search. If Googlebot is not set up correctly, this process can block Googlebot from crawling your WordPress website. Once Google's crawler stops crawling, it will cause a significant drop in the website's traffic and keyword ranking. In this article, you will learn...

How to Use GCP Load Balancer in WordPress

Running a WordPress website with high traffic can slow your site or cause crashes. That’s where a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Load Balancer helps. It distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers to ensure your site stays fast, responsive and available to all visitors.  This guide will teach you how to set up and use GCP Load Balancer for your WordPress website. What is a GCP Load...

How to Disable Auto Excerpt on WordPress

WordPress automatically creates excerpts for your posts when no manual excerpt is added. These auto-excerpts usually consist of the first 55 words of your post. While this feature sometimes helps, you might want to disable it if you prefer full posts or custom summaries on your website. In this article, I’ll guide you through disabling auto excerpts in WordPress. Steps to Disable Auto Excerpt...

How to Migrate Customer Data from WordPress to Shopify

Switching from WordPress to Shopify is common for businesses that want a dedicated eCommerce platform. Migrating customer data can seem tricky, but it’s straightforward when done step by step.  This guide will show you how to transfer your customer data from WordPress to Shopify quickly. Why Migrate Customer Data to Shopify? Moving customer data ensures you don’t lose valuable...

How to Embed a Calendar into WordPress

Adding a calendar to your WordPress site can improve user engagement and inform visitors about events, appointments, or important dates. Whether you want to display an event calendar, booking calendar, or schedule, embedding one in WordPress is simple.  This article will show you the best ways to embed a calendar without coding skills. Method 1: Embed a Calendar Using a Plugin Plugins make...

How to Make a Subscriber an Admin on WordPress

Managing user roles in WordPress is essential for running a smooth and secure website. WordPress allows site owners to assign roles like Subscriber, Author, Editor, or Administrator to control what each user can do. However, there might come a time when you need to upgrade a subscriber to an admin—for instance, if you need them to help manage the website or take over some tasks, such as...

Add a Custom Icon to WordPress Admin Menu

Adding a custom icon to your WordPress admin menu gives your plugin or theme a unique and professional touch. Whether creating a new feature or a custom dashboard page, a personalized icon makes navigation easier and enhances user experience. Using add_menu_page(), you can create a new menu item, and adding a custom icon makes it more attractive and user-friendly.  In this article, we’ll...

Add a Background Image to One Page in WordPress

Adding a background image to just one page in WordPress can make your content more engaging. Whether you want to showcase a special offer, enhance the design, or create a unique style, adding a background image helps your page stand out.  In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to do this without affecting other pages. Steps to Insert a Background Image on One Page Only Step 1:...

Best WordPress Plugins with Nutrition Facts

Running a recipe blog is more than just sharing delicious recipes. Readers want detailed information about the meals they’re cooking. If you don’t have the nutritional factors added to your website, you must consider adding them to increase the chances of user growth. Adding nutrition facts will boost the value of your recipe blog and make it more informative and professional. But how do you...