Fix Common WordPress Errors: Step by Step Guide

wordpress errors

WordPress is a powerful and popular tool. Millions of websites run on it. But sometimes, things go wrong. Errors happen. When they do, it can be frustrating. But don’t worry. 

This guide will help you fix the most common WordPress errors. 

Error Connecting to the Database

This error is expected. It happens when your website can’t connect to its database. When this occurs, your site won’t load. Instead, you’ll see a message saying, “Error Establishing a Database Connection.” But don’t panic. 

  • Check Your Database Information

First, you need to check your wp-config.php file. This file is like the brain of your WordPress site. It tells your site where to find the database. The file contains four key pieces of information:

  1. Database Name
  2. Database Username
  3. Database Password
  4. Database Host

If these are incorrect, your site won’t connect to the database. Open the wp-config.php file using an FTP client or your hosting control panel. Look for the lines that start with ‘DB_.’ Double-check each one against the details provided by your hosting provider. If anything is wrong, update it.

  • Check the Database Server

Next, you need to see if the database server is working. Sometimes, the server is down or overloaded. You can check this by trying to connect to the database through a tool like phpMyAdmin. If you can’t connect, the server might be the issue.

Also, make sure the server has enough space. If it’s full, it won’t be able to store new data, which can cause the error. Clear out unnecessary files or consider upgrading your server’s storage if needed.

  • Repair the Database

If the steps above don’t work, your database might be corrupted. WordPress has a built-in tool that can help repair it. To use this tool, add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);

Once you’ve added the line, go to This page will give you options to repair your database. Follow the instructions, and once the repair is complete, remove that line from your wp-config.php file. It’s important to remove it for security reasons.

  • Contact Your Hosting Provider

If you’ve tried everything and the error persists, it’s time to contact your hosting provider. They have more advanced tools and access to server logs that can help diagnose and fix the issue. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if needed.

Critical Error on This Website

Seeing a message that says, “There has been a critical error on your website,” can be alarming. But it’s usually not as bad as it seems. This error often happens due to conflicts between plugins, themes, or outdated files. 

  • Turn on Debugging

The first step in fixing this error is to turn on debugging. Debugging helps you find out what’s causing the error. To do this, open your wp-config.php file and find this line:

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

Change ‘false’ to ‘true’ so it looks like this:

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

When you turn on debugging, WordPress will display error messages on your site. These messages give you clues about what’s wrong. They might mention a specific plugin, theme, or file. Once you’ve found the issue, don’t forget to set WP_DEBUG back to ‘false.’

  • Identify the Problem

Now that debugging is on, look at the error message. It should tell you what’s causing the problem. The message might point to a failing plugin, theme, or script. Understanding this message is key to fixing the error.

You can also check your website’s error log if the message is unclear. Most hosting providers have a section in their control panel where you can view these logs. Look for the most recent entries to find what might trigger the critical error.

  • Deactivate Plugins and Themes

If the error message points to a plugin or theme, you must deactivate it. Start by deactivating all your plugins. If the error disappears, you know one of the plugins is the culprit. Reactivate them one by one until you find the problematic one.

If plugins aren’t the issue, the problem might be your theme. Switch to a default WordPress theme like ‘Twenty Twenty-One.’ If the error disappears, your theme will cause the problem.

  • Update WordPress and Plugins

Running outdated software is a common cause of errors. Make sure your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are all up-to-date. Updates often include fixes for bugs that might be causing your issue. Go to your WordPress dashboard and check for any available updates. Install them and see if the error is resolved.

HTTP Error 500

HTTP Error 500 is a general server error. It’s one of the most frustrating errors because it doesn’t tell you exactly what’s wrong. But don’t worry—we’ll explain how to fix it.

  • Increase PHP Memory Limit

Sometimes, this error happens because your site doesn’t have enough memory to run. You can increase the memory limit by adding this line to your wp-config.php file:

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

This gives your site more memory, which might solve the problem. If the error disappears, consider talking to your host about permanently increasing your server’s memory.

  • Check Your .htaccess File.

The .htaccess file is a configuration file that your server uses. If there’s a mistake in this file, it can cause the HTTP Error 500. To fix it, rename your .htaccess file to something like .htaccess_old. Then, try reloading your site. If the error is gone, you know the .htaccess file was the problem.

To generate a new .htaccess file, go to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘Permalinks’ and click ‘Save Changes.’ This will create a new default .htaccess file that should work fine.

  • Check Server Error Logs

Your server’s error logs can inform you about what’s causing the HTTP Error 500. You can find these logs in your hosting control panel. Look for recent entries that might explain the problem. The logs might point to a failing plugin, theme, or server resource.

  • Deactivate Plugins and Themes

Like with the critical error, plugins and themes can sometimes cause the HTTP Error 500. Try turning them off individually to see if that fixes the issue. If a plugin or theme is causing the error, you can replace it or contact the developer for support.

WordPress Critical Error

Another common problem is the WordPress Critical Error, also known as the White Screen of Death. It’s called the White Screen of Death because your site might display a blank screen. 

  • Check Recent Changes

Think about what you’ve changed recently. Did you install a new plugin or theme? Did you update WordPress? Sometimes, these changes can cause conflicts. If you suspect a recent change is an issue, try undoing it. Deactivate the new plugin or switch back to your old theme to see if that fixes the problem.

  • Reinstall WordPress Core Files

Sometimes, WordPress core files can become corrupted. This can happen during an update or if a file gets accidentally deleted. To fix this, download a fresh copy of WordPress from Extract and upload the files to your site, replacing the old ones. Be careful not to overwrite the wp-content folder or the wp-config.php file. These contain your themes, plugins, and settings.

  • Contact Your Hosting Provider

If you’ve tried everything and the error persists, it’s time to get help. Contact your hosting provider and explain the issue. They can offer more tools and insights. Sometimes, server settings or issues beyond your control might be causing the error, and your host will be able to help resolve it.

You can visit this comprehensive guide for more details on common WordPress errors.


WordPress errors can be frustrating, but they’re usually not the end of the world. By following these steps, you can solve most problems quickly and efficiently.