SQLMap is a powerful open-source tool that helps detect SQL injection vulnerabilities. SQL injection is a standard method hackers use to access and alter your database. If you run a WordPress site, knowing how SQLMap works can help you test your site’s security and fix any weaknesses before hackers find them.
This guide will teach you how to use SQLMap to check your WordPress site and secure it from vulnerabilities.
What is SQLMap?
SQLMap is a tool that helps detect SQL injection flaws in web applications. It lets you scan your site and shows if your database queries contain loopholes that hackers could exploit.
Steps to Install SQLMap
If you don’t have SQLMap installed, follow these steps:
- Open Terminal (Linux/macOS) or Command Prompt (Windows).
- Run the following command to install SQLMap:
- For Linux/macOS:
sudo apt install sqlmap
- For Windows, download the SQLMap ZIP file and extract it.
- Verify the installation by typing:
sqlmap –version
If you see the version number, SQLMap is installed correctly.
How to Use SQLMap with WordPress
Now that SQLMap is installed let’s use it to test a WordPress site.
Step 1: Find a URL to Test
In WordPress, SQL injection vulnerabilities often exist in:
- Search bars
- Login pages
- Forms
- Plugin or theme parameters
For example:
This URL has a search parameter that SQLMap can test for injection.
Step 2: Run SQLMap to Test the URL
Open your terminal or command prompt and type:
sqlmap -u “https://yourwebsite.com/index.php? search=keyword”
Here’s what this does:
- -u specifies the URL to test.
- SQLMap will start scanning the URL and show potential SQL injection points.
Step 3: Perform a Deeper Scan
To perform a more detailed scan, add extra flags:
sqlmap -u “https://yourwebsite.com/index.php?search=keyword” –dbs
- –dbs tells SQLMap to list the databases if an injection point is found.
If SQLMap finds a vulnerability, it will show the names of your databases.
Step 4: List Tables in a Database
If you want to see the tables inside a specific database, run the following:
sqlmap -u “https://yourwebsite.com/index.php?search=keyword” -D database_name –tables
Replace database_name with the name of your database.
Step 5: Check Specific Data
To see the contents of a table (like user details), run:
sqlmap -u “https://yourwebsite.com/index.php?search=keyword” -D database_name -T table_name –dump
- -T specifies the table name.
- –dump dumps the data inside the table.
Important Safety Tips
- Only test sites you own: Testing someone else’s site without permission is illegal.
- Avoid destructive testing: Don’t run commands that can delete or alter your data.
- Back up your WordPress database: Always create a backup if something goes wrong before testing.
How to Fix SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
If SQLMap finds vulnerabilities, follow these steps to fix them:
1. Update Your Plugins and Themes
Outdated plugins and themes often contain security flaws. Update them regularly to patch known vulnerabilities.
2. Sanitize User Inputs
Make sure your site sanitizes all user input. WordPress’s built-in functions, such as sanitize_text_field(), can be used to clean input data.
3. Use Security Plugins
Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to monitor your site and block suspicious requests.
4. Limit Database Access
Restrict access to your WordPress database. Use a strong database username and password.
Common SQLMap Commands for WordPress Testing
Here are some useful SQLMap commands:
- List all available options:
sqlmap -h
- Scan a URL with custom HTTP headers:
sqlmap -u “URL” –headers=”User-Agent: custom-header”
- Scan a form-based request:
sqlmap -u “https://yourwebsite.com/login” –data=”username=admin&password=pass”
Example: SQLMap Scan on a WordPress Search Page
Let’s say your WordPress site has a search URL like this:
To test this URL, use:
sqlmap -u “https://myblog.com/ ?s=travel”
If SQLMap finds no vulnerabilities, you’ll see a message like “no SQL injection point found.” If vulnerabilities are found, you’ll see details about the injection points.
Using it responsibly, you can identify and fix loopholes before attackers exploit them. Always make sure to have permission before testing any website. Regularly update your plugins, themes, and WordPress core to secure your site.